Monday, September 28, 2015

A Fantastic Fall Weekend: (Sunday)

       Mike and my freshman friend Alex showed up at my apartment at 9:15 so we could carpool to church.  I was planning on leaving at 9:30 so I figured they'd have 15 minutes to get here if they woke up late etc, but they both ended up showing up right on time.  I showed them both my room, and parts of the apartment then we drove to the church.  We got there pretty early so we were actually one of the first people, the worship band was even still practicing.  We got first pick at the breakfast table though.  Milly was the first one to come up and meet Alex and Mike.  Shortly after meeting Mike, Milly prayed over him.  Sometimes when she prays miraculous things happen right away, this wasn't the case however for Mike.  But we have faith God was listening and will answer our prayers.  Kelsey and Courtney showed up then Jen and Josh.  I guess everyone was super surprised and excited to see a big group of new college kids at the church.  A lot of people came up to us after church to meet them.  Courtney got prayed over, and sat on the other side of church from us.  The whole message about how after we come to Christ we are generally nicer people because of God, and people are able to sense that about us.

         After church we all met up at Applebees.  A total of nine of us.  Trae is doing a "Daniel Fast" so he can't eat a lot of things.  He can eat any fruits and vegetables, but no animal products.  Kind of like a vegan diet.  It's 40 days, and the last week he needs to fast completely except for water and juices.  I guess Applebees doesn't have fruit bowls on their menu.  At Applebees since there was nine of us I was the one in between the two groups of 4, so I could be apart of both conversations.  One time I said yes to the other side of the tables questions, and Courtney on the other side of me thought I had been answering her question. ha ha.  Our waiter was kind of rude/sassy though, and seemed to segregate our table.  I guess Trae's side was cooler then Courtneys.  Apparently there's a restaurant in Milwaukee who purposely hires people to be rude to the customers, and people go there for the experience.  Sadly Kelsey took the picture so you can't see her!
   After Applebees we went over to Courtney's house.  Trae and Alyssa went home.  Trae takes Sundays seriously because their his day off, so he considers them his day of rest. We joked about how he could get a half hour start and hide in the maze and lay down somewhere, when you heard him snoring it would be a clue. "I hear a clue!"  At Courtney's house were two white eskimo dogs.  I literally could put together a zoo of just the animals I witnessed this weekend.  They were super adorable dogs.  We then headed over to a pumpkin farm in Racine!

    We waited for Courtney's friend Leah when we got there.  We checked out the animals and the store, then went on an adventure through the corn maze.  Before we went in, we had to watch an instructional video about the rules of the "Maize Maze", and repeat after the man on the screen including: "I will not smoke in the maze!" Along the way we took two Snapchat videos to send to Trae.  One of me acting like we had been in the Maze for three days, and one of everyone singing and marching through the maze.  I wish I could of seen his reaction.  At one point Kelsey and Courtney ran off in a different direction, but it turned out it was a loop, so we both got to the same place.  We successfully got out of the Maze after an hour.  (I walked too much this weekend I think.)

     Courtney bought everyone pumpkins afterwards.  They were pretty cheap actually.  We then went back to Courtney's house where we made and decorated caramel apples, and played Old Maid.  Courtney invited her new friend Zach over, which happened to be the Zach I met from Living Light through Trae two weeks ago.  There was no new people for me to meet today.  We played Old Maid, and Pass the Ace, then took advantage of the beautiful weather outside.  Courtney lives right next to a park, so we played Frisbee, tag, and volleyball in the park.  The mosquitoes began to attack us after a couple hours so we had to go back inside where we talked for a bit then had to go home.

    We didn't get back to campus until about 8ish.  Our fun-filled day ended with the lunar eclipse and blood moon! :) God is such an artist!

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