Sunday, September 6, 2015

Growth and Maturity

     What does it mean to grow or be mature?  The passage of time does not equal maturity.  As we grow up we think that we mature simultaneously, but that isn't true.  We need to change our perspective on that.  It takes a different way of living for us to grow up.  Just because days go by doesn't mean that there is any growth.  The opposite of laziness is patience.  Patience isn't sitting around waiting for a change to happen, it's about ceasing the moment so we can do the things that God has intended for us to do.  We need to take the action to actually grow up, and then God's grace will give us the growth and maturity we need.  Things won't happen in a certain year or date.  If you're struggling in a friendship, times not going to heal the problem, it's going to start to be healed the moment you grow up.  We're not waiting to grow up, God is waiting for the growth in us.  It's never too late to grow up, Moses made the change to grow up at the age of forty, likewise it's never too early to grow up either.  The disciples had to grow up, and make the change super early in their lives in order to do the things Jesus wanted them to do.

     Signs of Maturity: Taking responsibility for things/getting engaged in an issue, a new identity, engagement with others, pain, eternal perspective.

Responsibility:  If you want something changed you no longer complain about it, you engage in the issue to help change the situation.

Identity Changes:  The way we view ourselves is the way we live, and we need to give things up in order to experience growth.  God's given us everything we need, so we should no longer view ourselves as too weak. or too shy, because none of that is true in our identity with God.  We can't think of just ourselves alone, but with God we have no excuses.  It doesn't matter what other people say we are because we aren't that it only matters who we say we are. Who do you say you are?  You are what God has called you to be.

Engagement with People:  Life is not about us pursuing our pleasures throughout lives, or doing things to keep us happy, it's about laying your life down for other people.  Sometimes people we like keep us the same, and don't allow growth in us.  We need to find the people who will push us to grow in our faith, not the people who only tell us what we want to hear.  Sometimes we need to find the people important in our faith before we figure out our purpose in life.  Immaturity is relying on other people to do things for you.

Pain:  Pain is important to growth.  With pain we need to embrace the pain of the present, and think about the future glory in heaven.  We can't experience growth without any pain.  You can only put off pain or pleasure in your life.  If you push off pain in your life it's coming in your future.  The one you choose to put off is usually greater in the future.  Where are you avoiding pain in your life?  (Just know by doing this you are putting off growing.)  Change is always hard but we must endure it anyways.

Eternal Perspective:  We need to think of what's best for us in the long run. No more "Yolo" but instead "What can I do today, because tomorrow is coming?"

  Make it your decision, that this year is going to be yours.  Don't keep pushing it off, and saying I'll be more ready in the future, because you won't.  You need to start now! Growing up doesn't mean doing it right the first time, its about the lessons taught.  It's about getting it wrong so you can do better next time.

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