Saturday, September 19, 2015

I'm Growing and Things are Changing

     Last Sunday evening I was able to put the two church teachings I had been too together, as I really thought about the messages God sent me a revelation.  One of the things talked about at the first church teaching was about how sometimes the people you enjoy hanging out with the most are the ones who keep you from growing.  When I thought about it more I knew I had that problem.  That there was a person in my life like that, that had kept me from growing in faith.  It was time to move on, I had spent too much time trying to show them how to grow, but it just wasn't in my hands.  I needed to surround myself with people that were mature in their faiths, and would encourage me even more in my walk with God. It wouldn't be easy and I felt that it was crazy at first, but then at church they also said that sometimes the things God tells you to do, are not the right things.  The hardest part about dealing with a person who is immature is that they are deceived into thinking they are already mature.  This is because Satan is the master of deception, and controls the feelings and culture of the world.  I focused too much on my own feelings, giving Satan the power to hurt me, I love the person I am writing about to death, and would never want to hurt them, because they have made me so happy, so I'm not going to just cut off our friendship.  We'll still be friends, but I'll be growing now. When they start to put God first, and mature in faith, we can grow together again.  God had also put on my mind that it was time for me to get more involved in church, and form relationships with the people of the church.  It's been almost one week since that revelation and I've already gotten so much more involved with Living Light, and have met so many people as well.  I just want to get to know everyone there, and all their stories, and be encouraged even more.  One of my friends from church I feel like I could talk to them for hours on end just discussing things or telling each other stories, and feel so encouraged/inspired afterwards.  It's so amazing to be able to have such inspirational people like that in my life, that through talking to them I can see God and his love and everything shining through, through them.  That's the people I want to surround myself with, people that are super spiritual like that.  I know now it was the right decision to follow God's word for me.


  1. The friend who you write of, who's keeping you from growing in faith, never forget him/her. Guide him/her when you are ready, for you love. Share your wisdom and what you believe so strongly. For you love.

  2. Were still going to be friends of course, I care about them too much to cut them off they've made me super happy.
