Saturday, January 24, 2015

Different terms American vs. British

I watch a lot of YouTubers which includes a quite a lot of British ones.  I've noticed the things they say differently from us, Americans.  So below I'm going to put what we say in America vs. what they may say in the UK.

America                                       British

No Problem.                              That's okay.

Sweater                                         Jumper

Santa Claus                               Father Christmas

Candy                                            Sweeties

While                                              Whilst

Cotton Candy                               Fairy Floss

Vacation                                        Holiday

Elevator                                          Lift

Math                                             Maths

Sick                                               Poorly

Pants                                           Trousers

Best Friend (girl)                       Chummy

Witty                                          Cheeky

Sketchy                                    Dodgy

Butt                                              Bum

Pee                                            Wee

These are all the ones I can think of right now, but if I think of anymore I might make a part 2.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I Butt-Dialed 9-1-1

A few days ago I posted about my most embarrassing moments.  Last night I thought of another one that has a longer explanation to it, for one thing I had no idea I had even called 9-1-1.

It was an August morning, the summer before my Junior Year of high school.  I had gotten up early, at like 8?  Yea, I don't understand either?  My mom had left to go to a doctor's appointment I think and asked me to do the dishes that were in the kitchen.  My phone was in my pocket as I did the dishes,  

After doing the dishes I went into the living room and received a phone call on my cellphone.  I answered and it was a 9-1-1 dispatcher asking me what was up.  I didn't put the fact together that it was weird that they knew my cellphone number, and figured someone outside of my house had been calling for help.  (What made that statement realistic was the fact that a horror movie must have been on in the living room while I was in the kitchen, since I heard terrified screams).  I gave them my address and they sent a cop to go investigate.

I immediately called my mom crying thinking there might be a person in danger outside.  I realized then that I was talking on my cellphone and that I had butt-dialed the police.  So I was scared about what I was going to tell the police.

Thankfully there were water jugs outside our door that day, so I could use that maybe the water man shouted when he delivered our water.  Anyway the cop came,  It wasn't just any cop though.  Nope, it was one of the guy's in my grades dad, which made the situation even more awkward.  The father didn't seem to know who I was.  It was a good thing to because the kid probably would of never let that one down.

The police officer came to the conclusion it must of been the water man who was the person I thought was in trouble,  I agreed even though the water man had came before my mom had left.  He must of thought I was so insane/paranoid.  We bonded over how he had labs at home as he pet my dog before he left.  

It was a pretty scary day to be honest and I felt so stupid afterward,  My friends thought it was the funniest story they had ever heard, especially since the cop turned out to be the father of the kid in our grade, and that's the story of how I found out my phone company made it so 9-1-1 is on speed dial for emergency purposes, because typing 9-1-1 isn't quick enough.  

Interesting Psychology Facts

These are the Psychology facts that I found most interesting to me.  You can find more of these facts by following Psych2Go on Twitter, Tumblr, or YouTube.

 I love taking pictures :)

 My friend just bought me an orange colored mug

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I came across a post on Twitter that said "We need so little, yet we act like we need so much."  Instantly after seeing that I thought about the pile of clothes sitting in the floor in my bedroom.  Did I really need that huge pile of clothing.  No, I didn't.  I went through the pile and got rid of most of the clothes.

I didn't just donate them to St. Vinnies (secondhand store), I had found a page on Facebook called Wisconsin Angels that allows you to give away stuff for free for families in need.  You post what you have to donate or what you need and people answer you back.

I had been part of a local area buy, sell, and trade page on Facebook, but that wouldn't be as valuable as seeing the girl and her mom's face light up when I gave them the clothes today.  I could of sold the clothes, but God teaches us that he will provide us with whatever we need.  So even though I am a poor college student, I wasn't  in desperate need of the money.

I divided up the clothes by who needed them on the Wisconsin Angels page, and met my first family in need today.  She was a single mom on disability with a 12 year old daughter.  I met her at a public place and gave her the clothes, then she introduced me to her daughter who was super excited to have the clothes.  Along with her own umbrella, and some nail polish.  She was also super excited to see I had included dresses for her, so she could wear some dresses.

It warmed my heart to so much to see them so happy.  The mom is such a great mom.  She contacted me so her daughter could have some clothes and an umbrella of her own.  She seemed so selfless.  :) Its great to see where a donation goes and how it directly affects the person.

I'm not posting this to say oh look at me and what good I'm doing, I'm posting this to encourage you to do the same.We often take for granted what we have in this world and often forget about all the poverty in the world.

I hope everyone had an awesome day,

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Gifs Gifs Gifs and More Gifs :D

Tyler Oakley 

Troye Sivan 

Cute Animals 


This post was meant to bring smiles to your faces with gifs I thought were adorable or funny.  :)  I hope I accomplished that. :)

Have a nice day!

I'm an Embarrassing Human Being???

We all have embarrassing moments, for me they seem to happen a lot.  So I thought I would share some with you guys ;)

1) I was moving a table with a guy in middle school and I set it down on his toe.

2) A group of people were standing in a circle and having a conversation, there was an opening so I made my way over in a "I'm cool" fashion and ended up stumbling and stepping on one of my friend's toes.  (This happened recently)

3) There was music playing in the hall, and I was the only one in the hall so I naturally started dancing.  (A taboo thing to do in high school that's totally accepted in college) A guy walked down the hallway and I immediately stopped and "acted cool."  It seemed to work because he continued walking down the hall but then he stopped looked back and asked if I was dancing....

4) I was blowing bubbles in my carton of milk as one does, and a puddle of milk ended up in my crotch area.  I had to run to the office without being caught.  I didn't make it to the bathroom without being seen.

5) I went to school smelling like a skunk.  A guy asked me if I wanted to sit by him and he smelled himself because he thought it was him at first.  When I heard everyone talking about how it smelled like skunk in the room I immediately went to the office.  That was an awkward conversation with the secretary.
Me:  Yo, I smell like skunk I need to go home.
Secretary and Everyone in the room:  O.O  whattt????

6)  I wore my jeans backwards to school.  Apparently that seemed like something I would do on purpose, because I didn't notice until half way through 2nd hour when people were laughing.  I ran out of the room and was kind of terrified to enter the classroom again after it happened.  People kept asking me If my pants were on right in the days following.

7) I laughed so hard that I peed my pants a little, but I got away with it without anyone noticing.

8) I was at a restaurant with a group of friends and I was going to push the two tables together and the candle that was sitting on one of the tables, totally almost fell off the table and onto the floor.

9)  I was trying to be cool and run up an escalator but totally tripped.

10) I was shaking the cat treats after I took the cap off and cat treats went everywhere

11)  I burnt the first bag of popcorn I made in college and the whole hallway stunk.

12) I decided to stretch my legs, while we were at a wayside on our way up north for camping.  I didn't bother to put on my shoes and  stepped in a puddle of pee....

13)  My mom wasn't paying attention where she was putting her fishing pole and my sock got hooked on her pole.

14)  I got up early to go to a church service and drove to the wrong church.

15) I was laying on the couch and then my cup of hot chocolate poured on my head.

16) I tried to delete someone out of my phone, and it called them...

17)  I hit a wrong button on my phone and my Siri app read my text out loud.  It wasn't anything bad though.

18)  I almost walked in on two people about to get it on in the study lounge at college.

19) It took me an hour to find a bonfire party that was literally 5 minutes away.  (Thanks GPS)

20) My 1st pot of coffee I made at college also went terribly wrong.  I put water in the top and halfway full in the container and in 5 minutes the container started overflowing with hot water.

21)  My roommate and I had to call in someone because we had trouble closing our blinds.

22) On the day of my Driving Test I locked my driving instructor out of the car.

23) I had a migraine on the day we happened to be watching a video of JFK being shot.  I walked out of the room because my headache had become unbearable, but people thought I walked out because I got sick from watching JFK's head fly off.

24) I was making cookies at college, and they came out of the oven looking like squares?

25) I was doing a backwards somersault at a bonfire party.  We had blankets lying on the ground, my boot got caught on a blanket in the process and I couldn't see.  The blanket covered me.

26)  Went to go throw a wrapper away and the wrapper fell out of my hand before I made it halfway to the trash can.

27) On the 6th week of college I walked into the wrong lecture hall for my science class.  I didn't even do that on the first day...

28) I dropped my keys in Pick N'Save, so I couldn't drive back to campus.  I had to call a guy to come pick me up so I could get my spare car keys from my dorm, then he had to drive me back to the store.
29)  I said Vagina really loud while talking to my friend Christian in Spanish class.  The teacher's desk is right next to ours.

30)  I got hypnotized for post prom and I was told I did some pretty interesting things.

I know there was a lot more because my life is made up of embarrassing moments, so I might make a part 2 :)

Thanks for reading!
-Also if you know of a moment not mentioned above, feel free to comment or comment your own experiences.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

No More Bad Days?

I'm not going to always be okay.  I'm going to be afraid, I'm going to be broken.  Through all of this it's going to be okay.  Even if  it doesn't feel like it.  It surely doesn't feel like it for me.  My parents are gone for the weekend and I'm totally alone which usually brings me less anxiety but now I'm a mess, and can't seem to sort myself out.

Panic attacks make me feel so vulnerable, and annoying.  Annoying that I have to call my friends or have them help me.  I want to be able to cure myself and feel like I'm just being annoying.  I also don't want to worry about me.  Each time I have one, I forget how truly terrible it is.  I'm like I got a pretty good hold on this anxiety thing and then the next moment I'm literally shrunken down in fear, and I just wish it didn't have to be this way.  The fact is were not always in control.  We all have certain battles we are dealing with.  Whether its mental or physical.  It sucks but everyone has one.

God puts trials in our lives so we believe in something bigger, and to make up for his ultimate sacrifice. If everything were perfect in our lives we wouldn't search for something bigger.  So with that I request you pray for my troubles and I'll pray for all of you guys and what ever you may be going through.  Thank you for even reading my blogposts in the first place :)

Love you all ~Alex

Friday, January 16, 2015

Your Favorite Songs say A lot About you?

I always get inspired for ideas of posts at such weird times of day.  Usually night.  My idea tonight was to see if Your favorite songs do indeed say something about you.  I'm going to research my favorite songs at the moment and see what they mean.  Most of the songs I like seem to have sad lyrics, but I don't consider myself that type of person. :p  I'm not going to do any worship songs because all of those are for proclaiming the love of God, so there's not really a variety.  So let's get into it and see if there's a common thread between the songs.

1) No Rain- Blind Melon:  This song is about finding excuses of why not to get out of bed.  The songwriter wrote it about a girl he knew going through depression that would sleep through sunny days and complain when it didn't rain.  (Yea, pretty depressing)

2) Nicotine- Panic at the Disco!:  A guy comparing his love for a girl as nicotine, and comparing the stages of his relationship like the stages of smoking (smoking, quitting, relapsing).

3) Cough Syrup: Young the Giant:  The person in the song is trying to find ways to cope with his depression and make him happy.

4) No More Bad Days: This Wild Life:  A story about a couple thinking they hit rock bottom but everything gets worse, but the guy in the song assures his wife they can make it through and he'll be there for her through it all.

5) I've Just Seen a Face- The Beatles:  A guy falling in love with a girl he just met.

6) Forest- twenty-one pilots:  Escaping your troubles by thinking about happier things like a peaceful place like a forest.  My friend and I discussed that it might have a deeper Christian meaning for the lyrics "We'll sing a chorus, one that everybody knows."  and later in the songs "Singing songs that nobody wrote."  That these words just come to his mouth as he sings like worship, or possibly speaking in tongues?

7) Hero-Family of the Year:  The pressure for a guy to fall under societal views when he grows up.

8) War on Drugs- Barenaked Ladies:  This song is about how we as a society don't do enough to help each other.  These people going through bad times turn to drugs, and self harm anything to make them happy and the people around them do little to help them.

9) I Just Wanna Run- Downtown Fiction:  This song is about a guy being ignored by someone close to him so he gets angry and just wants to run away from this guy.

10)  Yellow- Coldplay: Being devoted to someone.  Doing anything for them out of love.

I found out through looking up these songs, that some of them are a lot more depressing than I thought.  For example No Rain?  I thought it was a mostly happy song, but nope ha ha.  I also thought Cough Syrup was kind of a happy song.  It seems like the songs with the saddest lyrics are the catchiest to me for some reason, through this process.  I'm not sure why that is.  I feel like sad songs make me feel positive instead of sad. That sounds horrible... Maybe its because I'm not experiencing the feeling at the moment I'm listening to the song, but I can relate in some way.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

He is Jealous for me, his Loves Like a Hurricane I am a Tree

So this may sound a little weird to some of you, but I was about to go to bed but I couldn't sleep because my heart felt so full of love.  I put my Ipod on my worship playlist, and I felt so much love to the point I was almost in tears.  It felt like I had so much love for everyone in the world all of the sudden, especially my family and friends.  It was at that point I wanted to fix all the people who felt less than okay.  I know it was not my love, but God's love flowing through me.  My heart cannot contain the amount of love I experienced without me oozing into to a puddle of optimism? Without the help of God I would still hold anger for those who had hurt me.  

It also made me think about how fortunate I am in my life.  Fortunate that God picked me up from the hole of sin I had put myself in.  Fortunate enough he put these great people into my life, who I can't even fathom how I'm lucky enough to be friends/family with.  I can't wait to spend time with them and get to know them even better than I already do.  There's always something you can learn about someone.  I have heard the stories of how God has changed some of these people's lives and you can definitely see the glow of the Holy Spirit throughout them.  Without God's help I may have never befriended these lovely people.  Through God's love they overcame their battle with alcoholism, weed, and atheism and have become faithful servants, and that's just really cool.  Through God's love things that once had power over their lives no longer had even a little drop of effect on their lives anymore.

My favorite YouTuber, Tyler Oakley was talking about meeting people throughout life.  He said if there's someone you want to be friends with in your life, get up the courage to say hey.  The worst case scenario is they could give you a weird look and wonder why you did.  That person wouldn't have deserved you in the first place.  The best thing that could happen however is they could turn out to be your best friend or even soulmate.  There's so many people that I have yet to meet in my life and that excites me so much.  I know less than 1% of the people on this Earth and I already have met such incredible people that it gives me so much hope for the future.  Theres so many things in my life that are going to happen yet, that I can't even begin to fathom, and God loves has made it all possible for me.

These are a Few of my Favorite Things

My favorite things are food products, but when presented with any of these things,  I tend to freak out with happiness,  This post will probably make me feel hungry.  But lets get into it.

1) Orange Chicken
2) Coffee drinks usually containing Hazelnut, Caramel, or Vanilla
3) Egg Rolls
4)Ice cream
5) Dr.Pepper 
6) Hugs 
7) Clam Chowder
8) YouTubers
9) Puppies 
10) Sparkling Grape Juice 
11) Spinach/Artichoke Dip 
12) Honey Barbecue Chicken Wings
13) Pineapple/Mango Smoothie 

14) Dairy Queen Blizzards
15) Badminton 
If you buy me any of the food/drink type things there is almost a 100% chance you will become one of my best friends.  

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I Don't Like Seeing People Hurt

There's so many people that feel less than okay on a daily basis, and that just hurts me so much.  I want everyone to be okay, and be happy.  I have so much love for everyone that when I see that someone is doing less than okay I just want to be there.  No one should ever think they aren't good enough or want to hurt themselves.  Everyone is a beautiful creation, and I want to be there for anyone who needs it.  If no one else cares I'll still care.  I don't care what your relationship is to me or if I barely know you, you don't deserve to be this sad.  Email me if you ever need someone, don't hesitate. that's what I'm here for.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Things I Have Learned From Being a College Student

  1. Free things are amazing and need to be taken advantage of.  It doesn't matter what it is, if it's free its automatically amazing.  It could be as simple as a keychain, or as big as free breakfast on campus.  Whatever it is get it, its a gift when you're a broke college student.  
  2. College food is more edible then high school food, although there are way less options at college, at Parkside anyways, there is probably a lot more food options at other universities.  Our only choices are: a sandwhich, a burger, or chicken tenders.  This isn't an exaggeration this is literally the only options you get for dinner on campus.  
  3. Home-cooked meals are the best.  I literally freaked out with excitement having my first home-cooked meal when I first came home from college.  
  4. I'm super bad at adulting, but slowly improving.  In the first month of college:  I made coffee wrong, I burnt popcorn, and probably lost my card/keys a half a million times.  I now know how to make coffee without fail as well as popcorn.  I have this problem however of remembering where I put things.  I will literally have an item in my hand one second and have no idea where it is the next second and search for it for at least a half hour.  It usually turns up in the weirdest places, leading me to believe someone is playing tricks on me.  I tend to lose things more while at college then at home even though it is a lot of the time either way.  My mom has even recently bought me these buttons that attach to important items so when you lose them you can use a clicker to make the button make a noise.  It has come in handy already...
  5. Snow Days no longer affect me.  The last few days some school districts have canceled classes due to the cold, and it doesn't affect me.  I won't experience the joy of not going to school.  I'm still off school and have been for awhile.
  6. Missing a few classes to catch up on sleep is perfectly acceptable.  Its easier to find notes you missed in college classes, and most teachers are less strict on attendance rules if they have them.
  7. Not seeing your friends everyday is weird. You're basically neighbors to all of your friends if they live on campus.  This means you can literally visit them whenever you want.
  8. College is stressful.  Its not as perfect/fun as people stereotype it to be, it gets stressful, there will be drama, you will get kicked down, but still not as much drama as high school.
  9. Get rid of the unhealthy people in your life.  They aren't worth your time and effort.  Your friends are who you should focus your time on.  
  10. The best people you can surround yourself with are the ones who build you up and are generally happy and optimistic about things.  Its hard to be upset around a person filled with positive vibes.  
  11. Guys are more attractive at college
  12. You probably won't go to bed before midnight.  Most activities at college take place at night, and then there's homework and hanging out with friends.
  13. Naps are crucial
  14. Coffee is your best friend
  15. Buying groceries is expensive and food spoils fast
That's all I can think of right now, but I might create a part 2 if I think of anymore things.

Monday, January 5, 2015

What Happened in 2014

This post is a little late, since the new year started 6 days ago, which is really crazy.  It feels like I just brought it in yesterday, but it reality it was almost a week ago now.  But here are some of the things that happened in my life in 2014

  • I worked at the Cedar Community Nursing Home from December 2013-July 2014

-I celebrated January 1st at a Christmas Party at my friend Jessicas?  (idek) :p
-I worked on a crazy Creative Writing project which had to be filmed outside in the bitter cold.
-I got my hair dip-dyed so the end of my hair was blonde.  Trying to pull off the Zoella look :) 

- I went to a Hunger Games themed winter dance

- My family threw me a Surprise birthday party 2 weeks before my actual birthday
-I ran a blood drive with the Senior officers and donated blood as well.
- I turned 18 

- Celebrated my 18th birthday with my friends at Buffalo Wild Wings 
- Our school performed a Lip Dub and filmed it
- I got to go to Chicago with my Ap World class and visit the Art Museum as well as China Town.  We also got to go to Water Tower Mall.
- The Slinger High School Theatre Department put on the play "The Crucible"  which I helped direct since February :) 
-I went to my friend Christian's youth group for the 1st time on a day of a costume party.  
- Saw a musical at Carthage called Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, it was wonderful.  Went with Angela and her mom.
- Went to prom and got to see one of my best friends, Christian take my place on Prom Court :) 

- Got hypnotized and recorded at Post prom...
- Went to a board game party at my friend Jessicas 
- Watched part of the musical tryouts for "White Christmas"

- Went to the Talent Show at Slinger for the 6th time in a row :) 
- Watched the Senior prank unfold as my principal was followed around by a Mariachi band for 3 hours.
- Went to a few graduation parties including: Terry's, Alicia's, Liz's, Jordan's, Ana's, Marek's and Alexis's 

- Graduated High school :) 

-Went to Julia's going away party :( 

- Saw the Arctic Monkeys at Summerfest 

-Saw the Fray at Summerfest with my friend, Camara

- Had my family graduation party

-Went to Amber's graduation party
- Went swimming with my friend Alicia and got extremely sunburnt
- Helped set up the stage for the Washington County Fair
- Went with my friend Maggie on the Freak Out at the fair even though it completely terrified me. 
- Saw the Phantom of the Opera in Milwaukee with my friend Camara and Liz

- Lived in a cottage on a lake in Hayward for a week for vacation.  Met up with relatives too.

-My best friend Hazuki visited from Japan for 2 weeks!!!!

- Celebrated Hazuki's 20th birthday
- Slumber Party with Hazuki and midnight cupcakes
-My friend graduation party

- Saying goodbye to Hazuki :(

- My great uncle Don's  wedding 
- Started College at UW Parkside

-Met  Laurette who would become my closest friend on campus
- Came Home for Homecoming Weekend and watched the Musical float
-Started going to Cru, where I would make genuine friends

- Got to see Tyler Oakley in Chicago!!!!!!

- Saw the movie Anabelle 
-Lived in a box for a night with the Cru family

- Went to the Fall Retreat and grew closer in my relationship with God

-Started getting discipled by Pepin 
-Went to Gurnee Mills with Laurette
- Went to a bonfire with the Cru people
- My brother got engaged

- Came home to see Slinger high school perform "White Christmas" :)
-Celebrated Crusgiving
 - Celebrated Thanksgiving

- Cru Christmas Party 

-Therapy dogs visited
-Final exams 
- Got blonde highlights in my hair
- Celebrated Christmas
- TCX!!!!

- Brought in the new year through worship.