Thursday, January 8, 2015

Things I Have Learned From Being a College Student

  1. Free things are amazing and need to be taken advantage of.  It doesn't matter what it is, if it's free its automatically amazing.  It could be as simple as a keychain, or as big as free breakfast on campus.  Whatever it is get it, its a gift when you're a broke college student.  
  2. College food is more edible then high school food, although there are way less options at college, at Parkside anyways, there is probably a lot more food options at other universities.  Our only choices are: a sandwhich, a burger, or chicken tenders.  This isn't an exaggeration this is literally the only options you get for dinner on campus.  
  3. Home-cooked meals are the best.  I literally freaked out with excitement having my first home-cooked meal when I first came home from college.  
  4. I'm super bad at adulting, but slowly improving.  In the first month of college:  I made coffee wrong, I burnt popcorn, and probably lost my card/keys a half a million times.  I now know how to make coffee without fail as well as popcorn.  I have this problem however of remembering where I put things.  I will literally have an item in my hand one second and have no idea where it is the next second and search for it for at least a half hour.  It usually turns up in the weirdest places, leading me to believe someone is playing tricks on me.  I tend to lose things more while at college then at home even though it is a lot of the time either way.  My mom has even recently bought me these buttons that attach to important items so when you lose them you can use a clicker to make the button make a noise.  It has come in handy already...
  5. Snow Days no longer affect me.  The last few days some school districts have canceled classes due to the cold, and it doesn't affect me.  I won't experience the joy of not going to school.  I'm still off school and have been for awhile.
  6. Missing a few classes to catch up on sleep is perfectly acceptable.  Its easier to find notes you missed in college classes, and most teachers are less strict on attendance rules if they have them.
  7. Not seeing your friends everyday is weird. You're basically neighbors to all of your friends if they live on campus.  This means you can literally visit them whenever you want.
  8. College is stressful.  Its not as perfect/fun as people stereotype it to be, it gets stressful, there will be drama, you will get kicked down, but still not as much drama as high school.
  9. Get rid of the unhealthy people in your life.  They aren't worth your time and effort.  Your friends are who you should focus your time on.  
  10. The best people you can surround yourself with are the ones who build you up and are generally happy and optimistic about things.  Its hard to be upset around a person filled with positive vibes.  
  11. Guys are more attractive at college
  12. You probably won't go to bed before midnight.  Most activities at college take place at night, and then there's homework and hanging out with friends.
  13. Naps are crucial
  14. Coffee is your best friend
  15. Buying groceries is expensive and food spoils fast
That's all I can think of right now, but I might create a part 2 if I think of anymore things.

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