Sunday, January 18, 2015

I'm an Embarrassing Human Being???

We all have embarrassing moments, for me they seem to happen a lot.  So I thought I would share some with you guys ;)

1) I was moving a table with a guy in middle school and I set it down on his toe.

2) A group of people were standing in a circle and having a conversation, there was an opening so I made my way over in a "I'm cool" fashion and ended up stumbling and stepping on one of my friend's toes.  (This happened recently)

3) There was music playing in the hall, and I was the only one in the hall so I naturally started dancing.  (A taboo thing to do in high school that's totally accepted in college) A guy walked down the hallway and I immediately stopped and "acted cool."  It seemed to work because he continued walking down the hall but then he stopped looked back and asked if I was dancing....

4) I was blowing bubbles in my carton of milk as one does, and a puddle of milk ended up in my crotch area.  I had to run to the office without being caught.  I didn't make it to the bathroom without being seen.

5) I went to school smelling like a skunk.  A guy asked me if I wanted to sit by him and he smelled himself because he thought it was him at first.  When I heard everyone talking about how it smelled like skunk in the room I immediately went to the office.  That was an awkward conversation with the secretary.
Me:  Yo, I smell like skunk I need to go home.
Secretary and Everyone in the room:  O.O  whattt????

6)  I wore my jeans backwards to school.  Apparently that seemed like something I would do on purpose, because I didn't notice until half way through 2nd hour when people were laughing.  I ran out of the room and was kind of terrified to enter the classroom again after it happened.  People kept asking me If my pants were on right in the days following.

7) I laughed so hard that I peed my pants a little, but I got away with it without anyone noticing.

8) I was at a restaurant with a group of friends and I was going to push the two tables together and the candle that was sitting on one of the tables, totally almost fell off the table and onto the floor.

9)  I was trying to be cool and run up an escalator but totally tripped.

10) I was shaking the cat treats after I took the cap off and cat treats went everywhere

11)  I burnt the first bag of popcorn I made in college and the whole hallway stunk.

12) I decided to stretch my legs, while we were at a wayside on our way up north for camping.  I didn't bother to put on my shoes and  stepped in a puddle of pee....

13)  My mom wasn't paying attention where she was putting her fishing pole and my sock got hooked on her pole.

14)  I got up early to go to a church service and drove to the wrong church.

15) I was laying on the couch and then my cup of hot chocolate poured on my head.

16) I tried to delete someone out of my phone, and it called them...

17)  I hit a wrong button on my phone and my Siri app read my text out loud.  It wasn't anything bad though.

18)  I almost walked in on two people about to get it on in the study lounge at college.

19) It took me an hour to find a bonfire party that was literally 5 minutes away.  (Thanks GPS)

20) My 1st pot of coffee I made at college also went terribly wrong.  I put water in the top and halfway full in the container and in 5 minutes the container started overflowing with hot water.

21)  My roommate and I had to call in someone because we had trouble closing our blinds.

22) On the day of my Driving Test I locked my driving instructor out of the car.

23) I had a migraine on the day we happened to be watching a video of JFK being shot.  I walked out of the room because my headache had become unbearable, but people thought I walked out because I got sick from watching JFK's head fly off.

24) I was making cookies at college, and they came out of the oven looking like squares?

25) I was doing a backwards somersault at a bonfire party.  We had blankets lying on the ground, my boot got caught on a blanket in the process and I couldn't see.  The blanket covered me.

26)  Went to go throw a wrapper away and the wrapper fell out of my hand before I made it halfway to the trash can.

27) On the 6th week of college I walked into the wrong lecture hall for my science class.  I didn't even do that on the first day...

28) I dropped my keys in Pick N'Save, so I couldn't drive back to campus.  I had to call a guy to come pick me up so I could get my spare car keys from my dorm, then he had to drive me back to the store.
29)  I said Vagina really loud while talking to my friend Christian in Spanish class.  The teacher's desk is right next to ours.

30)  I got hypnotized for post prom and I was told I did some pretty interesting things.

I know there was a lot more because my life is made up of embarrassing moments, so I might make a part 2 :)

Thanks for reading!
-Also if you know of a moment not mentioned above, feel free to comment or comment your own experiences.

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