Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I Butt-Dialed 9-1-1

A few days ago I posted about my most embarrassing moments.  Last night I thought of another one that has a longer explanation to it, for one thing I had no idea I had even called 9-1-1.

It was an August morning, the summer before my Junior Year of high school.  I had gotten up early, at like 8?  Yea, I don't understand either?  My mom had left to go to a doctor's appointment I think and asked me to do the dishes that were in the kitchen.  My phone was in my pocket as I did the dishes,  

After doing the dishes I went into the living room and received a phone call on my cellphone.  I answered and it was a 9-1-1 dispatcher asking me what was up.  I didn't put the fact together that it was weird that they knew my cellphone number, and figured someone outside of my house had been calling for help.  (What made that statement realistic was the fact that a horror movie must have been on in the living room while I was in the kitchen, since I heard terrified screams).  I gave them my address and they sent a cop to go investigate.

I immediately called my mom crying thinking there might be a person in danger outside.  I realized then that I was talking on my cellphone and that I had butt-dialed the police.  So I was scared about what I was going to tell the police.

Thankfully there were water jugs outside our door that day, so I could use that maybe the water man shouted when he delivered our water.  Anyway the cop came,  It wasn't just any cop though.  Nope, it was one of the guy's in my grades dad, which made the situation even more awkward.  The father didn't seem to know who I was.  It was a good thing to because the kid probably would of never let that one down.

The police officer came to the conclusion it must of been the water man who was the person I thought was in trouble,  I agreed even though the water man had came before my mom had left.  He must of thought I was so insane/paranoid.  We bonded over how he had labs at home as he pet my dog before he left.  

It was a pretty scary day to be honest and I felt so stupid afterward,  My friends thought it was the funniest story they had ever heard, especially since the cop turned out to be the father of the kid in our grade, and that's the story of how I found out my phone company made it so 9-1-1 is on speed dial for emergency purposes, because typing 9-1-1 isn't quick enough.  

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