Wednesday, January 14, 2015

He is Jealous for me, his Loves Like a Hurricane I am a Tree

So this may sound a little weird to some of you, but I was about to go to bed but I couldn't sleep because my heart felt so full of love.  I put my Ipod on my worship playlist, and I felt so much love to the point I was almost in tears.  It felt like I had so much love for everyone in the world all of the sudden, especially my family and friends.  It was at that point I wanted to fix all the people who felt less than okay.  I know it was not my love, but God's love flowing through me.  My heart cannot contain the amount of love I experienced without me oozing into to a puddle of optimism? Without the help of God I would still hold anger for those who had hurt me.  

It also made me think about how fortunate I am in my life.  Fortunate that God picked me up from the hole of sin I had put myself in.  Fortunate enough he put these great people into my life, who I can't even fathom how I'm lucky enough to be friends/family with.  I can't wait to spend time with them and get to know them even better than I already do.  There's always something you can learn about someone.  I have heard the stories of how God has changed some of these people's lives and you can definitely see the glow of the Holy Spirit throughout them.  Without God's help I may have never befriended these lovely people.  Through God's love they overcame their battle with alcoholism, weed, and atheism and have become faithful servants, and that's just really cool.  Through God's love things that once had power over their lives no longer had even a little drop of effect on their lives anymore.

My favorite YouTuber, Tyler Oakley was talking about meeting people throughout life.  He said if there's someone you want to be friends with in your life, get up the courage to say hey.  The worst case scenario is they could give you a weird look and wonder why you did.  That person wouldn't have deserved you in the first place.  The best thing that could happen however is they could turn out to be your best friend or even soulmate.  There's so many people that I have yet to meet in my life and that excites me so much.  I know less than 1% of the people on this Earth and I already have met such incredible people that it gives me so much hope for the future.  Theres so many things in my life that are going to happen yet, that I can't even begin to fathom, and God loves has made it all possible for me.

1 comment:

  1. 's funny how the older we get the clearer thingsit's funny how the older we get the clearer things become.
