Thursday, June 25, 2015

Life Quotes

"When I speak, sometimes I get too excited and I trip over my words or words will get mixed up and spliced together. Everything makes sense in my mind, but then it all wants to come out at once and when it does, it’s a mess."
- A basic representation of me, when I want to tell someone a story or something.  It doesn't end up being as cool as I think it will because I mix up the words, also when I'm excited I tend to talk more loudly then needed.

“Women are more likely to be attracted to personality and men are more likely to be attracted to physical appearance.”
- I found this quote on a psychology website.  It honestly is so messed up that society is this way.  Where women see men as real people, and women are sexualized, so men focus on the women's appearance more than personality when finding someone they think is suitable for men.  For me if you have a personality suitable with my own, it honestly doesn't matter what you look like, your personality will bring your features out.  Also looks shouldn't be so important, because one day we're going to lose our attractiveness and grow old.  I honestly think society stresses looks on women to much, and if your not looking on point (perfect) everyday, you basically don't have much of a chance for anything.  On TV it always talks about a guys accomplishments, but for women it only matters how attractive they look or how much of a "slut" they appear to be.  With so much being pressured on women its no wonder a lot of us are so insecure.

-This is so so important to me.  I try so hard to make sure everyone around me is having a good time, and I try to use my sense of humor as much as possible.  Making others laugh/smile is literally the best thing ever to me.  I try so hard to make people feel welcomed, and be as approachable and as friendly as possible.  There is so much hurt in this world already, that if I could lessen that, its a great thing.

-Recently I've been feeling so insecure about the way I look.  Something I hadn't experienced in a really long time.  I've been comparing the way I look to a ton of other girls, and admiring the way they look.  When your in a bout of insecurity though, you tend to feel so many negative feelings.  I have honestly been thinking I'm not that pretty, and that has definitely hurt me.  I love myself so much that when I think destructive things like that, it definitely hurts me.    I wish that everyone was just under the impression that absolutely everyone is beautiful so people didn't have to be so stressed out about how they looked.

 -This quote is so cute.  To me it explains how sometimes you have to let your weakness/problems be known instead of keeping everything inside.  If you keep everything inside, it keeps hurting you, it you let it go it might initially hurt, but you'll feel so much better when its out.  It also explains that you can't go through life alone.  You'll need people by your side, to live the best life possible.

In the future I might post about my favorite song lyrics and what they mean to me or Scripture Verses or a part 2 to this one.

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