Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Six Flags Adventure

             It wouldn't be an adventure without something going wrong,  So I met Jordan at a Park-and-ride that both of us knew how to get to.  (There was a problem this week with not being able to find park-and-rides.) Jordan is not the type of guy to be late.  He was 20 minutes late because he had problems printing everyone's tickets.  One of the computers died right after he typed in his payment info, and the one he finally printed the tickets on printed super slow.  But then he showed up.  It hadn't felt like I was waiting at the Park and Ride for that long.
                On the way to Racine to pick up Jeremy and Laurette we talked about important things like what our favorite soup flavor was, what our favorite soda flavor was, past jobs we have done, and haunted houses.  We came to the conclusion that elderly people like to eat things such as cottage cheese/ George Webb because it smells at bad as they do.
              We picked up Jeremy and then had a hard time finding Laurette because she had given us the wrong address.  I called Laurette and put her on speaker and she said how she had seen Jordan's car drive past.  Jordan watched as a person walked out of a house and was like Laurette I think I see you.  It turned out to be a little boy eating an orange.  Jordan shouted:  "That's not you, it's a boy eating an orange."  In which I busted out laughing.  We finally picked up Laurette, and had a bunch of story times on our way.  We also came across a gas station that didn't actually exist...
               We got to Six Flags, and Jordan was super excited.  I was excited when I heard that they had "The Swinger" at Six Flags.  When we parked there was a herd of seagulls.  Jordan said that if we would put french fries on top of his car we could go on a little flight.
                I soon noticed how big the rides actually were, and it kind of scared me a little bit.  I never thought I would be able to say I rode on such rides as "Batman" or "Superman" but those who know me know that once I set my mind on something, I'll do it.  There will always be a little hesitation in the beginning, but in the end I will do it ;)
             We started out with the smaller rides first.  A ride shaped like a squid was our first ride.  I purposely screamed and made terrified faces.
We would find out later, that Jordan's keys had fallen out of his pocket on that ride.  He had taken his phone out of his pocket to take pictures such as this, and his keys must of fallen out in the process.
     Next we go to go on my childhood favorite, "The Swinger", I was so excited there were many screams of excitement, and klanks, and grabbing peoples legs with my feet before the ride.

After that beast of a ride, Jordan noticed his keys were no longer in his pocket, so the search was on.  Being stuck in Illinois probably wasn't the best idea/leaving the car there over night.  He looked around "The Swinger" but there was no luck.
        It was a good thing that "The Swinger" had been the second ride we had been on versus the 8th etc.  We then went back to look at the area of the 1st ride.  The 1st ride had been shout down until the night when it would be lit up.  The guy who had been running the ride, came in and looked with us, and was actually the one who ended up finding Jordan's keys.  That was great because it literally could have been anywhere in the park.
           Next up we rode "The Whizzer"  which is probably the least intense of the roller coasters at Six Flags without being a kiddie ride.  Jordan would describe it at the end of the night as like a nice cool jacuzzi of rides.
           We then went on a huge circular ride that is like a pendulum. We would go on that ride again later in the night and it would be way faster, and go higher.  There were still a lot of little kids when we originally went on it.
         We tried to go go-karting next in which I would of lapped them all, but that cost extra, and ain't nobody got time for that.  Luckily there was a roller coaster that we were all were too short for that we went on called the "Little Dipper"  we renamed it the "The Little Zipper"  Just zip it up.
Jordan was sick of all these non-life altering roller coaster rides and suggested we go on a real ride.  I jokingly replied:  "Like the carousal"  Which is exactly what we ended up going on next.  That carousal was pretty fancy.  It was 2 stories tall.  The guy running the ride seemed to find it humorous how big we were.  We all elegantly did our princess-waves and salutes, and tried not to actually gallop away.
      Superman was the next ride.  To be honest it looked super terrifying, I had heard stories about how terrible it was, and the fact you were on your stomach was kind of intimidating.  But like I said above I knew I would end up on it.  The whole knowing your strapped in super tight and the rides over super quick is pretty much a comfort for riding any roller coaster as I would find out.  I didn't actually think I would like roller coasters, but this ride proved me wrong.
        Laurette, Jeremy, and I watched as Jordan went all by himself on Superman.  He got on to ride again and I went and took the seat next to him, then Jeremy followed.  My heart pounded so hard, and I thought about things such as what if I panicked so hard I went unconscious:  I had saw it happen on a show.  Jeremy let out his fear through a silent but deadly fart, and I fainted while strapped in my seat from the smell.  Ha ha just kidding.  Superman was literally so much fun.  There was one kind of scary part where you fly upside down.  Jordan was super proud of me for actually going on the ride and told me that he had known I'd be the brave one.  (Of course xD)
    Next up was Batman, which I got on the first time this time.  The roller coaster started in a building so you couldn't convince yourself out of it as easily because you couldn't see what was coming.  Batman was probably the most scary/intense/awesome ride in the park.  There was constant twists as well as going upside down and whipped all around.  Needless to say it was amazing but I needed a group hug after all that action :P.
     We went on the circle ride twice more then walked over to the Raging Bull, which I would have went on but I felt a headache coming on and just didn't feel good at that point so I didn't think it would be the best idea.
       We finished off by going on "The Whizzer" twice.  There's something so mystical about going on roller coasters at night.  As the ride was going up Jordan played with my hair.  (Surprised his hands didn't get caught in it, it must of been pretty snarled after being whipped around all day).
          We took one last selfie and then we headed out.  None of us had eaten dinner so we made a quick stop at IHOP (don't know how its spelled).  After eating Laurette sprawled out on the couch by the doors that lead out of IHOP,  Jordan picked her up and took her out to the car.  xD Never thought that was going to happen....
         On the way to Racine we listened to "Impossible Soul" and Surjan Stevens.  After we had dropped Laurette and Jeremy off.  Jordan and I talked about religion, church, twenty-one-pilots, as well as a story about the balloon animal man which Jordan made up right on the spot before dropping me off.  I got Jordan to listen to Blurryface because he was looking for music that would keep him awake.  Thanks to Jordan we were able to go to the park for a discounted price, and the park had been closed off for only Target people and their friends, so there had been like no lines for the rides, which was pretty awesome.  It was a truly great experience for me.  :)

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