Sunday, June 14, 2015

National Best Friends Day

    This is a little late since National Best friends day was last week sometime, but I'd thought I'd make a post about all my best friends and a little about each of them to honor them on my blog.  :) So here we go :D I will try to include one of the oldest and newest pictures I have taken with these people.

Meet Amber:

I've known Amber for almost 9 years now.  We met in our music class in 6th grade, and turned out to be the only girls in that class.  I guess all the girls had taken band or choir in 6th grade.  Not wanting to work with the boys as potential partners for group projects, we would work together.  We didn't get super close until High School.  We have been through so much together including:  Discovering a sketchy place in West Bend with a "craft closet" pictured above, seeing Paul McCartney together, doing insane African dance workshops, Seeing twenty-one-pilots, and sitting together at the Allenton parade each year.  We even have matching Paul McCartney necklaces, because at one point we were both super obsessed with "The Beatles", and she referred to herself as Paul.  She used to live about 10 minutes away from me, but now she lives in Green Bay, and went to school in Idaho this past year, so seeing her was a blessing.  Amber is a very empathetic person and will put your problems before her own.  Shes had a lot to struggle with throughout the year, but had never complained about anything.  She's always been super supportive through everything, and there to make me laugh, or to just talk, and even though we lived so far apart this year, we still always kept in touch for the most part which was awesome.  I hope we can make many more memories in the future, and stay friends throughout all the years.  :)

Meet Hazuki

Hazuki and I have been friends for almost 4 years now, and I met her the summer before my sophomore year of high school.   I planned a summer party, and had invited my other friend Kelsey to the party.  She asked if she could bring Hazuki, her exchange student from Japan.  I agreed, and she brought her along.  Hazuki had come to America without knowing very much English, so not much was said between us that day.  I never thought we'd ever end up being super close, but that happened.  She picked up on English really quickly, and would sometimes have me speak words so she knew the correct pronunciation of the words.  We were basically inseparable those 10 months she was here.  People actually began to think that she was my exchange student.  Our personalities were so in sync it was almost impossible for me not to be with her.  I made sure to schedule my gym class at the same time as her, and snuck into her running group.  (The gym teacher didn't notice).  Hazuki is super adorable, and it was great getting to share the American culture with her and watched as she tried new things she had never experienced before.  She is literally the most adorable/funny girl I have ever met.   We experienced such things as spending time in the dells and going ziplining, jumping into a lake with our clothes on, and having me sneak into one of the band practice rooms with her every other day to watch her play piano, or sing songs with her.  (I would sign in with the choir teacher and she would open the door to the choir room from the other side (door with band practice rooms).  She actually came to visit last August two after two years of not seeing her.  She seems to understand me more than any other person, and shares my love of ice cream and adventure.  I know someday I will make it out to Japan, and hope we can also be stay friends throughout our lives, and have many more trips to the mall.  I wear a necklace everyday that is a half of a heart, she has the other half.  We also have matching Chinese writing bracelets along with Kelsey.

Meet Christian:

Christian and I have been friends for almost 4 years now, which must be a common theme.  We met when I was a sophomore and he was a freshman in high school.  We had been in the same Spanish class together and his assigned seat was in front of me.  To the right of him was my friend Kelsey.  We would all do Spanish group activities together along with a girl named Katie.  One of the first memories I have of him, is in Spanish they had shown a super cheesy video about Liking things, and I just burst out laughing so hard I cried and almost fell out of my desk, as Christian looked back at me and asked me if I was okay.  The next year, we kind of lost touch due to not having classes together, but near the end of the school year I got voted on Prom Court , and he agreed to be my date(friend) for Prom.  (The next year he would follow in my footsteps and be voted on Prom Court as well).  After Prom that year Christian and I became close again, and filmed three YouTube channel challenge videos.  He's the one that introduced me to Tyler Oakley, which is where my obsession with YouTube all started.  So you can blame him ;P.  In Senior Year I made sure I would be in his Spanish class so we could suffer together, and our Spanish teacher again made our assign seats identical to when we had met.  With him in front of me and me behind him.  (Different teacher though).  His Junior Year I encouraged him to do the musical/play which he did, so we had a lot of memories from that mostly of us not doing what we were supposed to, and sassing each other.  Christian is like the King of Sass, and the last part of my Senior Year was filled with us lovingly insulting each other as if we couldn't stand each other.  :P Even through all the insulting it was evident that he had a super caring heart, I can't wait to see what he does with his first year of college.  I hope we can stay friends throughout adulthood as well.

Meet Camara:

I met Camara about 4 years ago, also when I was a sophomore in high school.  Camara had been a senior.  We became friends almost instantly.  For Stage Crew for the musical we started working together the Sunday before opening night, and before the end of the week, we had gotten super close, and she claimed me as her daughter.  I later added her as my mom on Facebook.  Whenever we used to see each other in person, we would shout each other's names or I would call her Cameron Diez, and she would call me Alexa Vega.  Throughout the years, she has offered me great advice, someone to call in times of need, and a person to put a smile on my face.  Throughout the years we have done such things as:  Having a picnic at a park which included Big Macs, seeing the Fray at Summerfest, and seeing "The Phantom of the Opera" in Milwaukee.  It has been so inspiring seeing you go through your college years.

Meet Angela:

Angela and I have been friends for almost 3 years now.  (Apparently I'm really good at matching my best friends, without planning it)  We met on Facebook.  I knew she had gone to my school and that she had been friends with one of my friends at the time Selena, but I didn't know much more than that.  At the end of my Junior Year we had joined the same group on Facebook, and bonded by talking about "Mrs. Jesus Sandals."  "Mrs. Jesus Sandals" had been one of the main supervisors of the students (forgot what her actual title was) and her favorite thing to do was to yell at people for no reason.  If she didn't like you, she made sure you knew it, which was like 90% of the student body minus the popular kids.  I think she secretly wished she could of been one of them.  Her Selena and I hung out one day in summer, and we became friends through that.  When I was Student Director my Senior Year, she had been one of my Stage Crew members, and during tech week we shared a package of raw cookie dough.  I would meet every morning in front of her locker, so we could talk.  Angela is a child at heart so we could always do things like visiting parks, and going on the playgrounds.  She was also super smart, and won't take anything from anyone if you get on her bad side.  :P  She also makes this dessert called Chocolate Salami which is fantastic.  (It looks like Salami but doesn't contain any meat :) ) It's super amazing.  

Meet Laurette:  
Laurette and I have been friends for almost a year now, even though it feels like I've known her for years.  Laurette and I met on the 2nd day of school.  For freshman they had us pick activities we wanted to do throughout the day.  We both decided we wanted to decorate plastic flamingos.  Laurette had been walking with Makayla who had been an exchange student visiting from Australia.  Foreign people really interest me, so I began asking her questions, then asked for her and Laurette's number.  After I got involved with Cru, I invited her to Cru study tables, and other Cru events and meetings.  She fit in with the Cru group right away, and wasn't afraid to go to Minneapolis with me for a Cru event called TCX.  Laurette had been there every step of the way with me through college.  Through the tough things and the great adventures.  Visiting the dog park near campus, and going on Panda Express dates, or eating at the Brickstone (cafeteria at Parkside) everyday.  Laurette is a super encouraging, positive, and determined person.  She never fails to put a smile on your face whether using her sass, or just being an upbeat person in general.  Shes the type of person that will always be there when you need it, or to go on an adventure with you.  I can't wait to participate in Shenigans for our sophomore year at Parkside. :)   

Meet Jeremy: 

Jeremy is my newest best friend, and we've been friends for almost a year now.  It feels like we've been friends for a long time since we get along with each other so well, and laugh at the same things.  I met him the 3rd week of school by going to my first Cru meeting.  Jeremy had been the one who greeted me at the door.  I would of discovered Cru earlier but was given the wrong information about it on the first week of college.  His intense happiness originally through me off, and I didn't know what I was getting into my first week of Cru.  Later that week he was on my dorm floor and told me about a bible study him and Robert were doing later that day.  Which I ended up going too. I learned that his excessive happiness and love for God was actually a great thing. The first time we hung out we bonded over Coldplay music.  Since that day hes introduced me to many great artists I hadn't heard of including: Kara's Flowers, Guster, and The Colourist.  We would later become obsessive over twenty-one-pilots, and dissect the lyrics together.  After having a lot of drama with the guys on campus early in the year, Jeremy had been the first one to restore my trust and faith in men.  We became Cru greeters together in February this year and some Sundays he would even go to church with me.  His church that he had usually gone to, had happened to be the one behind my church.  Jeremy is a great guy to have deep conversations to or just to tell anything to.  He shows empathy, and interest in anything you say.  Him and I have so many inside jokes that we are literally able to talk in code and confuse almost everyone around us.  Saying such things as:  "Just Zip it Up!", "So Cute Bye Bye!, and "Put the Fire Out!" We also try to add puns into our sentences, and spin around my kitchen for a forgotten reason?  He is always able to make me smile, and think in the same weird way I do.  I can't wait for all the future memories we will create.  We also have matching twenty-one-pilots "Stay Alive" bracelets.

I love you guys all so much.  Thank you all for being there for me, and making me the best person I can be, and teaching me so many different things along the way.  You guys are the best! :) <3

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