Friday, June 5, 2015

Trek Day 2

       Anna’s alarm began going off super early in the morning.  After about 15 minutes and almost everyone in the whole cabin annoyed, I started to freak out that it might be my alarm.  The alarm had been going off within my stuff, but then I found it was Anna’s alarm and quickly turned it off.  I decided then would be the perfect time to take a shower at 6:30 in the morning.  In a cabin of a ton of girls there was only one shower.  We found out in the guys’ cabins there was 2 showers.  How sexist :P.  The girl’s in our cabin usually took showers at night, or right before breakfast so I figured I’d beat the crowd.  I went back to bed for a little bit, then got ready and went to breakfast. (My awesome straight hair had been ruined by the shower) L.  For the main meeting we learned about God’s forgiveness, and how Christianity is about having a relationship with God, not a religion.  Also throughout Trek they would give out prizes to whoever could answer their questions.  The emcee named off two states he had lived in, and had us guess what the 3rd state was,  I won by saying Ohio, and shared the prize with Laurette.  The reward was sitting at a table secluded with the person you had chosen while one of the student leaders took your breakfast order and bought you breakfast.  I got a cappuccino and a chocolate donut, and Laurette got a cappuccino and a blueberry muffin.  After the main meeting it was quiet time.  Laurette and I decided to use quiet time to take a 25 minute nap.  We ended up oversleeping because Laurette’s alarm didn’t go off, so we missed Chris’s talk, but made it just in time for lunch.  After lunch you had a choice of going caving or going rock-climbing/ziplining/giant swing.  I did the second option.  Ziplining is awesome and caving just sounded a bit scary, especially climbing through the “birth canal.”  I thought it was called that as a joke, but it legitly called that.  Jeremy, Laurette, and Mike also ventured over.  We started out by pulling the rope which hoisted up people for the giant swing. 
After walking away from the giant swing to do a horizontal rock wall, I decided I really wanted to try the giant swing.  We did the rock-wall for a little while,  I realized converse are terrible for climbing, then we went back to the swing.  I was the first out of Laurette, and Jeremy to go.  So you can say I was the bravest ;P.   Laurette and I were so skinny that we flew right up to the top, once at the top you pulled a cord and dropped down and swang back and forth.  It was so much fun.  Laurette and I went on it again after we ziplined,  and you don’t even notice the initial jump the second time.  I let
go of my harness and just free fell it was so great.
For the zipline you could either climb up the rock-wall or climb up this pole.  If you wanted to go down the pole you had to go down peg by peg so it made sense to keep going up.  The pole was the worst part of the whole thing.  Laurette flew up the pole, and I would stop to catch my breath and because I was terrified of the height. (So many pegs).  Jeremy and a lady in her 70s encouraged me from the bottom.  It’s weird how going up a pole is difficult but the whole jumping off the platform from super high in the air wasn’t.  Laurette and I ziplined together, they had two lines.  I ended up jumping before her, she kind of just gracefully stepped off.
Jeremy wasn't going to go zip-lining, but Chris convinced a girl to go with him.   While waiting for the others to get back from caving:  Jeremy, Laurette, Alex, and I as well as a guy named Brian sat underneath a gazebo with a giant bell to signal dinnertime.  Eric came and talked to us, not knowing what the bell symbolized and ended up ringing it.  He was freaked out when we told him what it actually meant, and shouted to people that it wasn’t actually dinnertime.  Laurette almost made the same mistake of ringing it.  Also while under the gazebo Alex decided to do some wrestling moves on Jeremy.   Brian talked about Japanese characters, and Korea.  The others came back from caving with dirt which was used as war paint spread on their faces.  When it was dinner time Laurette was able to ring the bell which made her super excited.  After dinner we had a session about prayer and had breakouts about praying using scriptures.  After that Tyler, Jeremy, Laurette and I sat at a bench by the playground at camp and had deep talks about fears of anxiety and other things.  That night we made friendship bracelets as its Parkside Cru tradition.  :D  (I think it was that night….)   

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