Sunday, August 2, 2015

5th Day of Conference (Wednesday)

7/22:   Things learned at the Bible hour at the Young Adult meeting.
- "We are called to be inventors of loved"
- We did an activity where we drew a heart with SOS written in it.  The SOS stood for that we are "S"aved "O"ver and over again "S"acrament. Written along the outside of the heart was the word Imagination and God's Love.  On the outside of Imagination was the word Belonging.
-  We also did another activity where we drew a sheet of 16 Love Stamps and changed the O's into a picture of something including: Bread, Baptism Water, a Communion Cup, and an eye for Vision.

     At the morning meeting the speaker related a story from his childhood to the gifts God has given us.  His story was about how he had been given a wallet as a gift from his grandma but he never used it or even looked at it.  He just put it on his shelf, until one day six months later he took it off the shelf and opened it up and noticed that there was $20 in it.  He said that he had been $20 richer six months ago without even knowing it.  It's the same with God, how he gives us gifts but sometimes we don't realize what he's given us (our potential) until later, even though we had those gifts the whole time.
    For lunch I was on bussing duty.  After our lunch duty for the day, our supervisor gave us each $7 gift certificates to go to Mugsies.  I guess the dining staff this year had been really good.  They also celebrated Conferences birthday today, so all the Conference staff wore their Conference shirts.  Jeremy's mission of the day was to meet 2 people I hadn't met yet.  
     First at Free time Jeremy and I picked up the tie-dye shirts we had made on Monday.  While picking up the shirts Jeremy's brother somehow managed to run off, and the family had to go searching for him.  I guess he likes to run off and go to the dorm building.  
    After that free time I asked my small group leader Ellen if I could talk to her, because she had seemed so interesting to me and I wanted to get to know her better. There was nine other girls in her group, so there was no way I was going to get one-on-one time with her without asking first.  She couldn't meet me right away so I went back to the dorm and took a power nap.  (Cammy was deep asleep when I got there.) (It was Jeremy's cousins birthday who was at Conference so him and his family celebrated that during free time.) 
     Meeting with Ellen was super interesting.  She told me stories of her being on missions overseas, and stories about the supernatural, and her gifts of prophecy, and seeing spirits.  She also recommended me a book.  She thought that I would find her stories fake, and that probably would have been true a year ago but I've heard too many stories and I've seen so many things since then that I definitely believed her.  
    I next went to Mugsies to see if I could accomplish Jeremy's mission and meet new people, but all of the people there were either middle schoolers or in serious discussion.  I again had ordered a frozen hot chocolate.  
   At dinner I met one of Andi's friends and she became the first person I met, I also had a bit of time 
before the evening meeting, and that's where I passed Jeremy's mission by meeting two Rachels.  (There were so many Rachels at the Conference.)
   Jeremy and Walter went to sleep after the evening meeting during Chill on the Hill time.  Chill on the Hill that night was brownies, icecream, and Root Beer Floats, a little too much for my little soul to handle.  I had two brownies, and a Root Beer Float, and almost died from stomach explosion.  I talked to Cammy for a bit then we played Bananagrams together, then a lot of people started to join.  I didn't win any of the rounds but it was still a lot of fun.  
     At Small group we usually told stories about farts or using our spiritual gifts, but tonight we talked about our fears.  My fears were being called to go to a dangerous country, not using my gifts, and not ever finding a husband or having a family.  Saying the fears out loud made them seem more bearable and i think just saying your fears out loud is important.  It was kind of hard to admit that I was afraid of being single since Ellen (our small group leader,) hadn't found a husband or had a family at the age of 38.  Mary was afraid that she wouldn't be remembered.  


  1. Umm... did I read that correctly above, or was it a misspelling...? "At Small group we usually told stories about "farts" or using our spiritual gifts....." Really?

  2. You read correctly. Our group of girls were kind of beautiful.
