Monday, August 17, 2015

Why We Cry Poem (The Heart of a Girl)

My friend Lizzy wrote this, and I felt inspired to post it because I think it's beautiful.  :)  I relate to this so much.
We do it a lot I guess.
I bet you think we cry for no reason sometimes.
That we don't know why we cry.
But you're wrong.
There's a reason.
A reason for every salty drop.
Each tear has a story.
They're reflections of our hearts.
It's simple really.
We love too much.
Too strongly.
Too deeply.
When we love someone we'd do anything for them.
Give anything.
Just to see them happy-
But so often they never see us.
They leave.
We care too deeply.
About everything.
Stuffed animals.
We want to take the whole world in our arms and protect it.
Never let it get hurt.
But we can't.
We forget to for protect ourselves.
And the very thing we try to protect hurts us.
We hold on too long.
We can't let go.
Or maybe we don't want to.
Those moments were so special.
They didn't mean to hurt us.
They'll come back.
But they don't.
We give too much.
Our dreams. Our fears. Our secrets.
All you have to do is ask.
We'll tell you anything if you listen.
It's important.
We give you pieces of ourselves you know.
But you forget.
And it hurts.
We trust too easily.
We've been betrayed so often-
Hurt so much!
But we want so desperately to be able to trust again-
So we do...
We never learn I guess.
We need love.
We love so hard because we know what it's like.
To live without it.
To be Rejected.
Not good enough.
Pretty enough.
And we try so hard-
To be lovable.
But we end up used.
I wish so many of us didn't settle for less-
but we do...
It's not a weakness you know.
It's a strength.
We're strong enough to care-
To show we care.
So much.
We're strong enough to feel the pain.
Not to bury it deep-but FEEL it.
Live with it.
Even when it's unbearable we bear it.
We never give up.
We still believe in some days.
Ever afters and chocolate
We believe in laughing
Summer nights
Shooting stars
and pillow fights
But mostly, we believe in love-
Because it's beautiful
Even when it hurts
Even when we cry...