Monday, August 31, 2015

Things to Ponder (Part 2)

    I did a post similar to this a few weeks ago.  I thought I would have a lot more posts, but I haven't gotten around to reading "Mere Christianity" as much as I thought I would so this will probably be my last post about it for a bit since it does need to be returned.  The first 1st post is elsewhere on my blog so if you want to read that first.
      Free Will?  Parents can tell their kids to keep their rooms clean, but it is their will whether they choose to listen or not.  The parents would rather have their children obey them, just like God would like us to follow his plan for our lives.  The parent's will to not make absolutely sure the room is always tidied has willed it to be a voluntary option for the children.  We have free will to follow God, but he doesn't force us to do anything.  People are free to be good or bad, which has made evil possible in the world.  If evil is in the world you may ask why God created free will in the first place? This is because even though free will creates evil it is also the only way possible to have any joy, happiness or goodness worth having in the world.  God wants to let us have the happiness of being free, and the happiness of voluntary getting to know him.  God knew the risk he was taking when he made free will. and he thought that it was worth it.

      Do We Really Need God?  Just like a car needs gasoline to run properly, we cannot live properly without God.  Since God created us we need him to survive.  He fuels us with the Holy Spirit.  Satan comes in and tries to make us run on the wrong fuel, making us believe we can survive without God.  We can but ultimately something will go completely wrong, and you won't be successful.

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