Saturday, August 29, 2015

Summer 2015

   It feels like Summer 2015 has been going on forever.  When I went to Conference in Pennsylvania it felt like I had been there for at least a month.  I'm definitely not complaining as this summer has been so packed and wonderful.  Even though it has felt so long, I'm still not too excited for school yet.  I thought with a longer summer vacation, I'd actually want to go back by the end of it but there's just something nice about free time.  So here's a little peak into what happened Summer 2015.

    May 2015
- The day before Trek Tyler, Laurette, and Jeremy stayed at my house and we watched TFIOS.  This is also where Snoop Whale was born, as well as the Flipping Ships catch phrase that would be used during Trek.
- The first weekend home was spent in Westby Wisconsin for Trek, a Christian Leadership Conference.  There we were put into a group of our school and UWWC.  During the 5 days we were there we learned about the importance of working as a team, our goals for campus next year, went ziplining, went on a giant swing, shared about Christianity to the people of LaCrosse, and went canoeing,  Jeremy's car ended up breaking down from too much twenty-one-pilots.  I made a couple of blogposts about it, so if you want to read more about it you can look on my blog.
- I spent a weekend at Jeremy's house.  We moved my brother out on a Saturday, and the next day would be his graduation, so we'd come back to Kenosha the next day, so I thought it was fitting just to stay there.  I also really wanted to go back to Living Light, and decided Sunday would be a good opportunity for that.  Jeremy's family had done the Color Run earlier that day, so they were full of color when I got to their house.  (After trying to find it for a half hour).  Jeremy was tired and went to take a nap, I ended up falling asleep as well on their couch in their living room.  Afterward Jeremy's little 5 year old brother decided to show off his selfie taking skills by taking his moms phone and taking selfies of us, and a picture of Jeremy and I together too.

  His grandpa also decided to visit that night along with Jeremy's mom's friend Dan.  We all decided to go to the restaurant that Jeremy and his sister worked at for dinner.  Jeremy's friend Steve showed up too, and would also sleep over that night too.  It was a nice restaurant right on Lake Michigan only five minutes from their house.  He's told me many times what its called but I've forgotten again...whoops.  Ridge Point, Reef Point? <---- probably not even close.
  His grandpa is a really cool guy.  That night Steve read fanfiction stories he had written about Jeremy's life until he was too tired.  In the middle of the night there was really loud sirens and the sound of Jeremy tripping over his couch.  The next morning we had M&M pancakes.  (I swear they put M&M's on everything).  Steve went home then I went to church with Jeremy and his family for half a service before leaving to go next door to Living Light.  (Are churches are next door to each other).  Jeremy and his sister stopped by during break then left to go back home.  Trae took me to Carthage where my brother was graduating after church.  On the way we had a super inspirational talk about life.
-Rick graduated from Carthage


- I babysat two kids the week before I would go to job training, Dayton and Addison.  We watched Chuggington, and played house, as Dayton had a crisis at 3 years old about how he was getting old.
- I helped my mom clean our other house that originally belonged to my grandma.  My brother and his fiancee will move in, in October.
-My friend Lizzy from Trek decided that every week of summer she would go out sharing somewhere.  (I checked with her at the end of August, and she didn't miss any week.)  We ended up going sharing at Bayshore Mall.  Lizzy and Anna came along with their sister Haddy her friend, Jordan, and Jeremy.  Jeremy and I went out sharing together and were pretty unsuccessful, because everyone we talked to had to go to work.  We had caught them during their breaks apparently.  We ended up getting Superman flavored ice cream.  We debriefed at the Cheesecake Factory, then went to a Culvers in Milwaukee, and to a beach by a lake to hang out for awhile.  Jeremy and I also went to Jersey Shore that day.
Lizzy, Anna, and Haddy's friend and I would get lost in a Milwaukee ghetto later that night for an hour while trying to find the park and ride I had parked at at night.  All of our phones were dead.
- The next day I would go to Six Flags for the first time ever with Jordan, Jeremy, and Laurette.  It was for a Target Celebration Day.  I made a post about the trip to Six Flags already so you can read about that post.
-  Job Training started, and I sat through it all as a volunteer.  I would have to be a volunteer if I wanted to go to Conference in Pennsylvania, which would take place the next month.
- The week after we went to Bayshore Mall, we went sharing at a nursing home in West Bend.  Our plan was to go sharing there put that never really happened.  Instead we played Bingo with a group of elderly people for probably over two hours.  We went to Arbys afterwards.  Jordan was sick with a cold.  Laurette and Jeremy came home with me.  That night we went and saw Jurassic World.  We watched the old one, one day at University so it was important to see the new one together.  We all shared one couch together at the theatre.  Before we got to the theatre I made the mistake of putting diesel in my car even though Jeremy questioned me about it.  My car wouldn't start after the movie so we needed to be picked up.
- The next day after that Courtney and her boyfriend came over so we could do a Bible Study to finish off our chapter of James.  She had lead a bible study that taught James during the school year that we all had attended.  (Unfortunately that would be the only bible study we would do over the summer).  During the bible study Luke was breathing really heavily, and my brother was sob laughing so it was kind of hard to take it seriously.
 Courtney and Robby took Laurette home and I took Jeremy to Hartford to meet up with Camara.  We walked down downtown Hartford and visited "Faith and Giggles". "Perc Place". and Scoop DeVille, where they had an old record Juke Box.  We then stopped at Hartford Park for a little bit. (That would be the only time I would see Camara this summer since she would be constantly working).
- The day after that Amber came down to Allenton with her boyfriend to go to Angela's graduation party.  Jeremy couldn't stay for the party because he was seeing The Barenaked Ladies in concert.  Amber got to Allenton a little later so I ended falling asleep on the couch while waiting, Jeremy played BNL music as I slept.  We then went to Allenton.  Amber's boyfriend brought Nerf Guns and for a bit it was him and Jeremy against Amber and I.  We ran outside and they were too lazy to chase us out there.  I curled up on the pink bean bag chair.  Jeremy went home then Amber and I went to Angela's graduation party.  I talked a bit but I was mostly super tired from all the events of the week so I zoned out a lot.  There was a ton of great food there though.
- Also in June we had a family get together Brewers Game.
-I was also given a job at the Threshold so I actually got paid :) 


- July began with going to Summerfest with Liza.  She had gotten tickets to see Ed Sheeran.  I was so busy with work that this day was the only day I could make it there.  Unfortunately I had started to get a cold and had a sore throat that day.  I still had a lot of fun.  We went paddleboating, and I got a non-alcoholic Margarita for my sore throat.  We saw a really good band before Ed Sheeran although I can't remember what they were called, and had forgotten to look them up after I had gotten home.  Ed Sheeran was really cool.  It was probably the calmest concert I've been too.  At one point everyone put there phone lights on, and there was just a sea of lights.  It was so cool looking.  We couldn't see the firework show from where we were sitting but caught a few of them on our walk out.   I forgot how long it takes to get to one side of the grounds to the other.  

-Jeremy came over on a day I had off, and I didn't tell him anywhere we were going I just surprised him with places.  It was super hot but we went mini golfing and ended up tying.  (I found out later that 2 years before that exact day I had went there with Christian.)  I then took him to the CD store in West Bend.  I then took him to the gourmet popcorn store and found out he didn't actually like popcorn....  We then went to Candyman then I took him to the last surprises.  I took him to the park with the exercise equipment then we went for a walk in the woods as Jeremy discussed passed Conference stories, and our plans for the upcoming Conference.  

- That weekend I went to go see Shrek the Musical.  One of my musical friends, Amy was playing Fiona, and the theatre director was playing the Dragon.  It was a super funny show.
  - The next July event was Conference and I already posted about what happened each of those days elsewhere on my blog so I won't post that again.  

- I went and saw Spam- A- lot with Angela.  I was laughing so much during the whole thing.  
- My parents and I went to Hayward for a week,  where we went minigoling, canoeing, went on a road trip, fishing, and shopping.  We had a cottage on the lake it was so beautiful.  :)  
- I finished off my last week of work the week after vacation and then attended two bridal showers that weekend.  My brother's fiancee Kaila, and my cousin Erika.  
- We had a Cru Retreat at a big house which I am posting a separate post about.
- I spent a day in the Racine/Kenosha area with Laurette going to Starbucks, Panda Express, the dog park, and a bookstore in Kenosha.
- To finish off the summer I'm going apartment shopping, and going to the spa Monday.

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