Tuesday, August 11, 2015

My Ideal Guy

     I usually wouldn't do a post like this, but I think it's important to know what you want in a person, versus being totally unsure when going into a relationship.  You can avoid a lot of "bad" relationships that way.  If you don't know what you want people can take advantage of that.
      Recently when thinking about my future as a person going through a transitional time in their life usually does I've been putting thought into this.  Some guys, I would overlook because they seemed like the "perfect" Christian.  That they had their lives figured out.  I would look at myself as insufficient, because I wasn't yet as strong in my faith as them.  I'd think to myself: "Wow, they're going to make a girl really happy one day.  Whenever that thought would go through my head, another would say "It could be you"  I would always push that voice away because I thought there would be no way.  The more I think about it, the more I think: Yes it could, I do deserve something like that.  There's no one person better than the next, or one that God loves more, it's all based on how built of a relationship they have with God.  The guy is meant to lead the woman in faith, and not lead her astray.
    I want a guy that I can read Scripture with before we go to bed.  One that will keep encouraging me in my faith, who I don't have to prove myself to, because he sees the beauty in me through God.  A guy that when were fighting, stops and we take time to pray together, and let God help us through.  One that will try his hardest to protect my heart so I don't have to hurt.  A guy that I can share my spiritual gifts with, so that we can lead more people to God.
     A guy like that would truly be worth waiting for, and I hope I can come back to this blogpost one day, and smile because this was able to become true.  I'm sick of my heart being hurt.  I've always been one to see the good in people to fast, that I put myself in a vulnerable place.   I just feel like I've been trying to prove myself too much lately, and it just makes me feel not good, but God has already made us all in his image which is perfect, so it's definitely not healthy if I feel like I have to prove myself to someone.  I have faith God will find the perfect one for me, whether they be in my life already, or are still yet to come.

1 comment:

  1. It does happen sweetie! It use to be that Bruce and I never fought but he is under so much stress lately that I just let him blow off steam! He was and is not a church going man but he does go to church with me if I ask him and he has been collecting rosaries for years! He is spiritual. Sometimes the woman has to do the guiding! Someone special is out there for you and you Will no it when it happens!
