Friday, August 14, 2015

A Message to College Freshman

Here is a list of myths about your freshman year at college, and my actual experiences to go with these myths.

-You'll stay best friends with the people you meet right away:  This is partially true, I met one of my college best friends on the 2nd day of school, and I've been so thankful to have her throughout all of my college experience so far (Laurette).  Otherwise most of the people I met on my floor were the type of people I wouldn't want to associate with, all of their friendships were artificial.  Once I moved to the 1st floor of the dorms, whenever I would see them they just acted like they didn't know me, and I was glad to have moved them out of my life.  Minus my friend Nicole from the third floor.  I don't know how she ever dealt with all those people.  For me it took about two months until I found my friend group (family) at college.  (It's okay/normal to feel alone, and not find those people right away) If you go to a college knowing absolutely no one like me.

The Freshman 15:  A lot of the food at college is unhealthy, so you'll definitely have your fill of that.  I ended up gaining 10 pounds.  I still look fine so it's not much to worry about.

It's Okay to Skip Class: For some classes it's okay to skip a few classes, since most classes aren't mandatory in classes.  Some classes though like to randomly give you tests you can't make up on the days your not there, and some it will be hard to learn the material if you even miss one class.  So some classes you should definitely try not to skip.

Say Yes to Everything:  Freshman year is so full of experiences, your going to want to try a lot of new things, but sometimes your just going to need to rest or work on homework, and you'll have to say no, and that's totally okay.  It's totally okay to say no sometimes.

You'll Still Be Friends With Your High School Friends:  There's only two people I keep in contact with a ton yet since high school has ended, and that's my friend Amber, and Angela.  Your going to lose contact with some of your friends.  You begin to realize some people you only tolerated because you had to see them five days a week.  For me a lot of people moved away from my hometown, so it's hard to meet up with them, or they're busy working.  If their true friends though, you'll find away to keep in contact with them.  So yes you'll lose some people, but not the people that matter the most to you.  I thought I would miss some of the people from my grade after graduation but I honestly only miss a very few people.

Homesickness:  You're going to be homesick and that's okay, it was really hard for me the 1st week but it does get easier.  You're pets are probably going to be the biggest thing you'll miss.

Don't Trust People So Easily:  I trusted a lot of people that abused my trust, and although I learned from it, I wish I'd avoided those people in the first place.

Be Open-Minded:  If your close-minded you won't be able to experience things you wouldn't think you'd like, but end up liking them.  I'm very different then what I expected myself to be at college.

   If you have any questions about college, and what to expect don't be afraid to send me a message, and I'll answer your questions as best as I can.

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