Monday, August 3, 2015

6th Day of Conference (Thursday)

7/23/15:  Jeremy and Walter never showed up to morning meeting this morning.  I think both of them missed.  After they had fallen asleep during Chill on the Hill I guess that they woke back up and stayed up for awhile.  I missed half of the morning meeting the day before from not hearing my alarm.  This Conference is exhausting I guess, I've never slept through an alarm.  It had been going off for a half hour before I noticed.
      At the Young Adult bible hour we talked about labyrinths.  I had no idea what they were until that day. ha ha.  It sounds so mysterious.  Here's an example of one.  It's like a maze you weave through until you get to the center.
We also related life to being like a Maze.  How when you hit a dead end you have to get yourself out.  Dead Ends in a Maze can be anything that is a struggle to get through like doubt, or overthinking.  I also wrote down Psalm 139:18 in my notes for some reason.  I don't remember the reason but it says:" Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand, when I awake, I am still with you."
    For Dining Hall I was put on the best job:  Ice-cream scooping :D I'm much better at putting ice-cream in bowls then in cones I found out though. (Most people wanted cones.)  A boy complimented me on my ice-cream scooping skills, saying he had never had such perfect scoops of ice-cream before. :P 
    After lunch Jeremy's mom took pictures of the four of us (Jeremy, Rachel, Walter, and I).  I think she had been hoping we all were wearing the tie-dye shirts we had made that week, because all of the group I had come with was. (Walter didn't even make a shirt.)
    We then all proceeded to go film a video about Walter and Jeremy.  I completely true video about how they had met, their relationship with their parents, and what Veggie Tale characters each resemble.  They answered each question for each other.  Since this was such a serious video, you can catch me in the background crashed out sleeping while they're doing their interview.  No but really you should watch it, it's pretty great.  :)  Rachel was the camera-person that recorded the whole thing, and Jeremy edited it.  

Our Video: (3 Facts About Walter & Jeremy)
        We started the editing process at the dorms, but the video wasn't able to be all edited at that time. Meanwhile the adult leaders had set up a slip-n-slide on the hill.  (It was a watered down tarp with dish soap down the very very steep hill.)  I went down a few times in all of my clothes, and changed into other clothes.  I went from grassy to classy as one of the girls had put it.  

   At the Young Adult Meeting we did prayer stations.  Prayer Stations uncovered a lot of things I had covered up with my happiness, and humor.  Things I just covered up without properly dealing with them.  I guess it was a good thing to have happen though.  Throughout the next nights I'd have dreams about the things I had buried within my mind.  
      At Chill on the Hill I talked to Cammy and Casey about our prom experiences, and faith, while having grilled cheese and tomato soup.  The food of the night.  That tomato soup was like the best ever.  xD Tomato soup is one of my favorite meals though.  We then played a couple of rounds of Bananagrams as we waited for small group to start.  
       For Small group Ellen was going to take us to the Labyrinth in New Wilmington, but during the Slip N' Slide she had hit her head pretty hard, so small group was cut short for the night.  



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